[Edited to update the download link – Aug 2012]
[Edit – Included info on making .deb – Aug 2012]
ExFat, otherwise known as FAT64 is a new filesystem introduced by Microsoft with Windows Vista SP1.
The reasoning behind the new filesystem was to address an area in which Microsoft’s previous filesystems where not a neat fit, i.e. on large external flash drives where NTFS is not appropriate but FAT32 is not sufficient.
exFAT has a theoretical maximum disk size of 64 ZiB, 2,796,202 files per subdirectory and many other improvements.
Many modern SDXC cards are now coming formated with exFat and it was from one of these which I wanted to access from my Debian machine.
Linux support for exFAT is still very much experimental and Debian has no pre-made binary package yet although I didn’t have much trouble in compiling from source and installing.
As always when compiling from source you will need to have the GNU C compiler and associated tools installed.
If not already present you can do this as follows;
debian:/#apt-get install build-esential libfuse-dev
Instead of the normal ‘make’ build system exFAT uses ‘Scons‘ so you may need to install this to.
debian:/#apt-get install scons
Once installed you can now download the exFAT source code from http://code.google.com/p/exfat/downloads/list
(Direct link to file as of writing, fuse-exfat-0.9.8.tar.gz)
Extract the tarball by typing;
debian:/#tar -xvf ./fuse-exfat-0.9.8.tar.gz
Navigate in to the directory containing the expanded files and run the following command to compile the source code and create a folder for the mount point. (You’ll need to have appropriate access permission to install, i.e. root )
debian:/#scons installdebian:/#sudo apt-get install checkinstall
debian:/#sudo checkinstall scons install
this will create a .deb file which can be installed and deleted with your package manager.
debian:/#sudo dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb
debian:/#mkidr /mnt/exfat
Now that exFAT is installed you can mount your external disk as follows;
debian:/#mount.exfat-fuse /dev/sdXn /mnt/exfat
You’ll need to replace the ‘X’ with the drive location and ‘n’ with the disk partition number, for example, ‘/dev/sdb5’.
Marche aussi sur wheezy 😉
Yep, thanks for the confirmation. As far as I know the process is the same on Squeeze/Wheezy.
Thanks! I followed the guide on a fresh install of Debian Squeeze and it didn’t work. I had to install other dependencies, but I’m not sure which were the ones required. If you have any idea, please include them in the guide!
You could be right. Which version of Debian are you using?
Thanks for this. Small note. On Debian 5.0.8 at least you’ll most likely need libfuse-dev installed to get it too compile.
Thanks for leaving the comment. I will add this to the blog post when I get home this evening.
Great stuff that worked on the first try. I did notice 2 typos:
apt-get install build-esential –> apt-get install build-essential
mkidr /mnt/exfat –> mkdir /mnt/exfat
Thanks again,
– W
debian:/#apt-get install build-esential libfuse-dev
debian:/#apt-get install scons
debian:/#sudo apt-get install checkinstall
i have extracted exfat-utils, fuse-exfat, scons.
All these commands when given gives a reply package not found inspite that i have extracted exfat-utils, fuse-exfat, scons.
debian:/#sudo checkinstall scons install : says checkinstall command not found….
Please help me!! If you can please email me proper steps how to mount a ‘exfat’ drive as it is not supported in Kali Linux 1.0.
Thank you.
This article is about Debian. Checkinstall is a Debian tool for creating Debian packages.
The fact you’re getting checkinstall command not found would suggest that you have not got it installed properly.
You’ll have to refer to the documentation for your Linux distribution to see if the package name differs.