PySteamGameMover – simple python app to move steam games from one library to another

Screen shot of Steam Game mover menu screen
Screen shot of Steam Game mover menu screen

I made this simple Python program for Windows which I’ve released under the GNU public licence to fill a gap missing in Steam, the ability to move an individual game from one steam library to another.

Close Steam down, point this script at your old and new steam libraries, choose the game you want to move from the list and hey presto your game is in the new location.

Great for if you need to free up space on your drive but you don’t want to move your entire library to another location.

Use this at your own risk, it’s only been tested on my machine and I’ve only covered a few things that could go wrong.

Any assistance in improving the quality of the code would also be greatly appreciated.

Download if you already have Python 3.5+ installed, if not download the precompiled version at /dist/

You may need to download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 ( if you wish to run the precompiled version on Windows prior to Windows 10.

Download pySteamGameMover

2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,500 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. I will be using this space to write about and catalog my musings on technology, software, music production, programming, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows and anything else which happens to take my fancy.

My hope is that my blogs may be helpful and informative to those following in similar footsteps. If I can help some save time in whatever task is at hand or help point in the direction of a reference which helped me in achieving said task then great.

Professionally I work as a network administrator for both Windows and OS X network environments in an academic setting.

At home and on the move I use my MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard (10.6.x) along with Debian and Windows virtual machines installed and running side-by-side.

I use Logic Studio 9 for my amateur music production.

I use a number of programming languages in my spare time and in an attempt to help automate tasks at work but I would not profess to be anything more than a keen amateur in any of them and I’m sure my code leaves much to be desired. Regardless of this, I will still try to blog about things I’ve learnt, references I’ve found, problems and solutions that I’ve stumble across in the hope that they may be useful to others like myself.

The languages I’m currently focussing on are Python 3.1 and Objective-C  / Cocoa.

I’ve also recently started to learn about electronics, having bought myself several beginners books on electronics and Arduino, a starters electronics kit and an Arduino Duemilanove, an open source programmable prototyping board with a AVR microprocessor which can be programmed via USB and a simple C-like language to interface with a number of electronic components. Most importantly about the Arduino is it’s cheap. My Arduino board costing a little under £20. Arduino seems to have a lively online community and I’m really excited about getting to grips with it and realising my ideas in hardware.

I aim to blog about things which I have done, or that I have found interesting across all the fields mentioned and in any other areas of my life which I feel compelled to write about. I’ll be doing this to catalogue my experiences for my own future reference, to help others with similar problems and to help proliferate the spread of knowledge in any small way I can.

If you’re wondering where the name for my blog comes from, it’s my surname written backwards. Nothing more mysterious than that I’m afraid.